A somewhat silly post, of some of the recent art I've done for Mendels, a roleplay game/shop some friends and I run on Gaia. For anyone unfamiliar with them, basically we personify elements from the periodic table. :> It's a fun job!
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Monday, July 20, 2009
- Mike Skyers July 23, 2009 at 12:33 PM
This are really cool design. Calcium is really beautiful. When do we get to see more? :P
- SlimmerCat July 26, 2009 at 8:25 PM
Ha, I remember seeing those designs when I was a little kid. (We had a project over the periodic table of elements when I was in elementary school-- Antimony was the one I chose, just because of the way you drew him!)
I think it was what originally got me into your art. I found your old website a long time ago and it's one of the things that really made me want to get into art and design-- your work was definitely a major inspiration for me ever since I was about 10. I was really sad when you stopped posting on DeviantART, but I'm really glad now that I found your blog! Haha.
Thanks for posting your work online for all of us. I really love your work, it's a huge inspiration for me. Keep up the good work. - Fayren July 27, 2009 at 12:24 PM
Gosh, I'm always so surprised when people tell me that their school used these! @ w@ That's pretty crazy.
Thank you for your kind words too. ; o; I'm extremely flattered, and amazed I've had that kind of impact on anyone.
PS: I will pick up my DA soon! X_X I just need to rifle through my notes and catch up.

2009 Dragon Magazine: Issue #383
Several interior illustrations. Published by Paizo Publishing, LLC
2009 Pathfinder Chronicles: The Great Beyond
Several interior illustrations. Published by
Paizo Publishing, LLC
2008 Pathfinder Chronicles: Gods & Magic
Several interior illustrations. Published by
Paizo Publishing, LLC

I am currently available for freelance work, so if you are interested please feel free to contact me!
- Alex
- Andrew Hou
- Arnold Tsang
- Aysha Shehim
- Cheeks
- Cheshire
- Coey
- Collin Dahlgren
- David Alegre
- Der-Shing Helmer
- Erik Reeves
- Kelly O'Donnell
- Kevin O'Flaherty
- Kidchan
- Kristen Perry
- Kristen Wong
- Lyndsey Raney
- Mike Hermes
- Molly Nemecek
- Nivbed
- Omar Dogan
- Rod Douglas
- Ryan Ottley
- Scott C
- Shavoface
- Shivana Sookdeo
- Tessa Stone
- Trisha Toms
- Wes Parker
- Yi Lee
Jesus, I remember when you first drew these years ago. They were pretty awesome back then and they still are now. The designs are always so fun and detailed.